CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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Oo, Kuro or Fye! Can't choose!

syaoran!! ^_^ love him sooo much!!!

there's one scene in TRC, where Syaoran remembers one time when Sakura was sick. Sakura told Syaoran not to leave and she's happy. Then, when flashback ends, Syaoran took her hand!! *grins*

Loves S+S but syaoran more~~


--- Quote from: VeNeSiA on November 26 2005, 07:25 pm ---syaoran!! ^_^ love him sooo much!!!

there's one scene in TRC, where Syaoran remembers one time when Sakura was sick. Sakura told Syaoran not to leave and she's happy. Then, when flashback ends, Syaoran took her hand!! *grins*

Loves S+S but syaoran more~~

--- End quote ---

yeahhh!! *-* I agree!
*cries* i love the Flashbacks of S&S

yeah, that was really sad :cries:

Møon Li:
Syaoran of course :D so cute, so tender, so lovely  :inlove:


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