CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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I got up to vol7 for Christmas! *dances* I'm loving Kuro more and more. He's so sweet in his own way, he's like a daddy. Wah. *huggles*

A daddy? wow! now that i think about it, he's mature but a joker in some times (even if he doesn't intend to become a joker!)

-huggles syaoran- he definitely gets my voteĀ  =)
aww well, but sakura's lagging behind so much...

Syaoran!! ^__^ He'll get my vote anytime

*pooja-chan!!* waves

anyways..SYAORAN'S WINNING *claps* jumps around*
NOBODY..likes chii?? =(


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