CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Favorite TRC character
--- Quote from: babypigggy on January 03 2006, 10:07 am ---*pooja-chan!!* waves
anyways..SYAORAN'S WINNING *claps* jumps around*
NOBODY..likes chii?? =(
--- End quote ---
nobody voted for her coz she doesn't appear in the series that much..
Personally I like Sakura and Syaoran both at equal length! If it's the best couple ever, it's definately these too >_<
Kaoru Mikoshiba:
Although I love both of them, I would choose Syaoran over Sakura, mainly because we are alot alike, and he is someone i would like to be.
Voted for my sweet, handsome, perfect Syaoran!!!
Voted for Fai. He's the most complex of the four main characters in Tsubasa; he's followed closely by his beloved Kurogane, of course.
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