CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Favorite TRC character
haha..i totally agree with Endoh and scarecrow_wingz
1) I totally agree that the scene when Syaoran was forgotten by Sakura was totally SAD!
2) I won't forget Syaoran....he's too adorable to be forgotten.
3)haha...but i agree that she's so gonna fall in love with him again...coz according to Yukito, sakura and syaoran are sakura definately won't dare to break the prophecy XDDD and she of course couldn't.
4) if Sakura still forgets about Syaoran in the end, loads of fans would whack CLAMP on the head XDD lol.
Its really hard to say whos my favourite at the moment. Such as, Arashi and co, S & S ^^, Fye, etc..........and there are still more characters to come ^^
I have to say Sakura.... just by an inch. Ow, I feel sorry for Syaoran!!! (cries) But, Sakura did get me introduced to the world of anime. he he. and she is so kawaii every time i see her ^^
you know, sakura forgetting about syaoran is actually good in a wierd way... they can build their relationship even stronger and everything... but... then again, i suppose that it is bad as well.. i can't really explain it... anyways.
The bit when Sakura wakes up and asks syaoran who he is is so sad... i cried... waa... i cry at a lot of things... but there are only a few selected things that make my cry loudly. Or for a long time after. Though, I think Sakura is a bit curious about some of her memories.. you know the ones where she talks to an empty chair and about her father asking to take care of a yong boy? she might put two and two together.... though, as she is so dense (well, she is sorta... no offense to Sakura-chan!) she might not.
Little Wolf:
know what? that scene where Sakura asks him who he is, is my fave sad moment of TRC so far... very touching especially when Syaoran cried outside in the rain to hide his tears. :(
okay, time to make a new topic for this... :D
i think she may have fallen in love with him ALREADY. but not in a big way....i guess. i want more TRC books
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