CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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I can't believe poor Kurorin has so few votes!! XD I bet it's because a lot of us KF fangirls love them both equally, but Fai's beautiful hair makes us all vote for him! O.O

Or maybe it's his eyes!!

Or his TATTOO! Ah, so THAT'S its power!


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on March 06 2006, 12:02 pm ---I can't believe poor Kurorin has so few votes!! XD I bet it's because a lot of us KF fangirls love them both equally, but Fai's beautiful hair makes us all vote for him! O.O

Or maybe it's his eyes!!

Or his TATTOO! Ah, so THAT'S its power!

--- End quote ---
You're so totally right! That's exactly why. Curse Fai and his prettiness, and that tattoo.

Of course, I voted for Fai myself. (sweatdrop) But he really is pretty.

Definitly SHAORANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!  *-* i voted for shaoran jiji

Hikari B.:
Well, Syaoran is definetly the crowd pleaser. --;;

there's no way i can choose i like both Sakura and Syaoran they are both so CUTE!!


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