CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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--- Quote from: Shiunu on March 06 2006, 05:52 am ---Syaoran is my favorite! I just love how brave and strong he is. Especially when it comes to protecting Sakura. I think it truly shows that he loves Sakura because he is willing to look for her feathers even though she won't remember him. He's so sweet..

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  :keke: Same here!

the vote for Fye and Syaoran are almost the same. haha.. :D I would rather voted for Fye because he has a self-confident when deal with problem or even battle. ^^

Sailor Yue-chan:
FAI! i fell in love with him very fast ^_^

syaoran syaoran syaoran fangirl
jealous of Sakura -_-+
Love Fai's hair, love his smile
Kurogane,,hehe hard on the ourside, soft and caring on the inside....

i vote for kurogane
poor him always teased by mokona and fai
don't worry kurogane
i got your back :okay:


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