CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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I know she's/he's not a major charater but I'm just in love with them. My vote is for Ashura! (As you can probabely tell ^_~) She's so awesome. I don't know what it is, but I was very intruiqed by her and I love the character she plays. It makes me want to go check out RG Veda.

I find the poll is be a bit funny right now....after reading chapter 120. Syaoran and Fai are the top two.... :hehe:

-my vote has been change to fai ^^;;

i like mokona....he is SOOOOOOOOO cute....well other than syaoran and sakura....i like them too...but mokona takes the cake (literally)

kurogane-sama all the way!!!!!!!!! :wav:

Yeah FYE!!!! \o/ You can never get enough of him ^^


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