CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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changed my vote to Kurogane, he rules! ^_^

Fay Fay Fay! Though I love Kurochan to bits as well <3


--- Quote from: Little Wolf on March 29 2005, 03:54 am ---How about Tsubasa? who's your fave?

You can only vote for ONE character this time. :tongue:

I'm sure you know already who gets my vote.. :D

--- End quote ---
my fav. character is tomoyo-hime-sama!! Coz she is sooooooooooooooo cute when she makes fun of kurorin.

I voted Fye, Fye 4 everrrr~  :noteworthy: But Kurogane is very close behind, also Tomoyo, Mokona, Syaoran... All of 'em!  :tongue3:

holy cheese, Fai by far. He's such'a pretty boy ^_^ Not only that, I like his personality, mostly happy and carefree but then he's soo sad and serious sometimes.

Kuro-Puppy close after


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