CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Favorite TRC character
ofcourse syaoran!!!
what a question,Fai of courseĀ :inlove:!
his smile is only equal to his inside pain.
he is as much sweet,kind and cheerful as he is depressed,lonely and closed in upon himself...he doesn't value his life and only live for provided to the others a little bit of happiness,but behind each of his actions he desperatly tries to gain the attention of one person on particular...i think that in Tsubasa Fai is the character who needs to be THE MOST protected,loved,and comforted,even more than Sakura because he has never had someone to watch over himĀ :cry:!
i can tell that his heart is as puzzle as Sakura's memories...and this is up to Kurogane to save himĀ :wink:
hahaha i dont know maybe we can see that fai is a poor men *-* , cute, sweet, etc..
but in fact syao is so nice and very handsome *-* , too :okay:
I really REALLY love Kurogane right now. But Fai is close behind. ^__~
when we think of kurogane we automatically think of Fai,and vice versa ,so i don't know if it is the characters who make us love their relationship are if it is their relationhip which make us love the characters...hum,what i want to mean is that we can't love one without the other,they are so linked :okay:
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