CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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MJ Walker:
Syaoran, because they actually don't make him this I-don't-care-about-you kind of guy like in CCS. But my judgment isn't much accurate because I never finished reading CCS, so I don't if he changed or not.


--- Quote from: ForgottenDreamer on August 18 2006, 03:45 pm ---Syaoran, because they actually don't make him this I-don't-care-about-you kind of guy like in CCS. But my judgment isn't much accurate because I never finished reading CCS, so I don't if he changed or not.

--- End quote ---

yeah,it's kinda boring when a character hides his feelings while EVERYBODY KNOW what lies in his heart  :shifty:!
i can admit that this behaviour can be due to his stubborn personnality,but at this point it is totally absurd  :dodge:!

i feared that kurogane became this type of stereotyped character insensitive,but even if he doesn't say it clearly,we understand that he cares through his actions,expressions,and angers  :angry:.
even if he doesn't show what he is feeling,he is no cold because he shares his impressions and tries to understand the others  :wink:.
the fact that he seems distant is only due to his reflective personnaliy,and no to indifference  :okay:

aww!!only can vote one time!!i like syaoran(i just vite him)fye,kuro-pon & mokona!!others would be kamui,subaru,fuuma & seishirou!!all handsome!!muahahahahaha!!!!!!!   ^__^

Is this forums majority Fain fan-girls or is he just a popular character? I'm hoping for the latter. >.< At least there aren't DRASTIC differences. ^.~

Sailor Yue-chan:
fai is a very popular character. he's cute for one thing (blond mussy hair + gorgeous blue eyes=bishi) his smiles mostly are cute, albeit fake. the REAL ones are awsome. fai makes you laught hte way he teases kurogane.  theres so much that makes fai fai and makes him so LOVEable


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