CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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I find Kurogane very attractive (physically) *growls* ... somehow like Wolverine *growls again*.
But I voted Fye because he is very interesting in my opinion... we don't know anything about him (at all). I have great expectations for him.
He acts like a fool most of the time, but in some critical moments he is the one who tells the others what to do or how to do it (and after that, he says "what- oh, well I don't know either"). I think he is used to have power and authority, to take decisions...
On the other hand, I can't imagine why is he running away and is so sorrowful (I don't know if this word exists in english- sorry if not).
And also he is a D.!(if you know One Piece you know what I mean) and a vampirate! :wink:
Monkey D. Luffy - Fye D. Flowright = Captain Harlock :heh:

Kaze no Shikyo:
prob. a combo. of syaoran and kurogane

It's Kurogane for me! I just have a thing for sexy tough guys with a heart of gold (deep down) and a rough past. (coughSawyercough)

Syaoran and Fay are the best!

Fai and Kuro-riiiiiiiiin :3333333


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