CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Favorite TRC character
Syaoran, but Real Syaoran...
FaixKuro Fangirl:
sam mogford:
i love sakura to but i voted syaoran, he made the sacrifice and he deserves my vote. they break my heart :'(. i love them all but mostly i just luv TRC. wooooooo!
Now that I know the truth...
(RSyao, CSyao...)
I must say that I like real syaoran more than clon syaoran...
Real Syaoran has two brown eyes, is kinda more human and is nice, sweet and everything that I loved of CSyaoran before... ^^U
Although I must admit that after seeing Fai's story, he has becomed a specially nice character for me... =3
sam mogford:
i just want to mention that even though i didnt vote for chii she is still a great character and should have had a bigger part in TRC (even though she already has her own series). she is always beautifuly drawn and animated.
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