CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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lol. his name is really confusing. well not that confusing but its long


--- Quote from: hime_yurie on April 09 2005, 07:19 am ---lol. his name is really confusing. well not that confusing but its long

--- End quote ---
-^^- Fye D. Flowright... oooooo..... sounds kewl.... lol

Mokona Modaki. In Magic Knight Rayearth it was just Mokona. And all he said was puu. Very boring.

Yep. Hey, wondering; did people know Chuynan is actually a character from a less popular series of CLAMP? The Legend of Chun Hyang, it's called; same character i think. I thought Chuynan was new, but she isn't. He he.

SYaoran has to be the one! yea!  voted for Syaoran...  i guess cause he's the main character and plus.. he's good looking! ^-^


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