CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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ya i guess i have to agree. the more they grow up the more they look better. lol

I voted for Syaoran, he so uber-adorable, but I sort of miss those blushes of his *fangirls*

I also like Sakura too, but Syaoran just makes me feel all giggly *giggles insanely*

He is so cute ^_^


--- Quote from: Espo on April 09 2005, 08:29 am ---Yep. Hey, wondering; did people know Chuynan is actually a character from a less popular series of CLAMP? The Legend of Chun Hyang, it's called; same character i think. I thought Chuynan was new, but she isn't. He he.

--- End quote ---

yep she is a character from a less popular series...but that series is pretty good, if you notice when Syaoran and his his crew...travell to the country where Chunyan lives...he has to follow all the rules? those rules are actually all featured in that 'less popular series'. So its kewl to know that the rules still occur in TRC.

I voted for FYE! YATTA! :P he's really funny how he baits Kurogane.. tehe.. but I still like Syaoran.. :D :heart:..

kurogane>Fye by a little...


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