CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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i vote fye...coz he's such a jester~~i'm bias for comical relief~~ :P


--- Quote from: ashleygurl on April 09 2005, 11:11 am ---yep she is a character from a less popular series...but that series is pretty good, if you notice when Syaoran and his his crew...travell to the country where Chunyan lives...he has to follow all the rules? those rules are actually all featured in that 'less popular series'. So its kewl to know that the rules still occur in TRC.

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ohh i've checked that series too....and i think its kewl that CLAMP does follow their 'rules'...anyway, my fav. character is Fye too...coz i think he is very intellignet in solving various matters.

yea...Fye is very intelligent in his own ways...he could act FUNNY/ jester-like but actually his mind is filled with well plots to sort out various problems..and whenever he gets serious, u know he's REALLY joke. :)

yeaps~he's a hardcore goody~~ :D but he's comical relief scenes are what makes him stand out imo~~ and theres 1 thing that i admire bout him, rather bout everybody, he's taaalllll, i'm the shortest in school, primary , secondary and now, polytechnic, it does things to your head really ~~ :P

well i can't say he's a goody...rite away..coz his motive to follow Syaoran and collect the tsubasa is to have the chance to travel across different dimensions....and to get away from his country. But apart from that, I totally admire his personality for having a GOAL in life...and that is to find adventures...i really admire ppl who have goals like Syaoran too...being brave and strong is hard.


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