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[CCS]My One Precious Thing
Sure let the story begin.
lemme just say one thing - if you really need a character, for example if you needed Tomoyo to say something, then you can borrow her role for a tiny bit.
Sakura jumped around happily, Tomoyo and her hand in hand.
"I feel blissed." She smiled, hopping over tiny misfitted clouds. "To be up here, and to be chosen of all the other ones."
The sky was clear and all was calm, down by the river sat a boy, coffee coloured hair staring into the waters and frowning, deep in thought it seems.
I play Tomoyo and I prefer if people wouldn't do that to my character. People should get permission first. It's against the rules to god-mode.
umm.. if we're not allowed to use another character than our own, how is the story possible Sohru-san? o.O''
The chocolate coloured hair boy was deep in thought and as he sat, he heard footsteps running towards him and he looked up to see a girl his age starring back at him in curiousity.
/okay, so hmmm... i'm not sure who that girl is, depends who wants to write next :D
--- Quote ---umm.. if we're not allowed to use another character than our own, how is the story possible Sohru-san? o.O
--- End quote ---
It's simple. Just reply with the character you signed up with, and wait for another character to reply. Read the other role-plays if you need to.
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