General Discussions > Chains Board

I have ____ posts

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Well mine's 694 now. It was like 800 something until they forums were cleaned.

3760; I'm glad, frankly. I was getting sick of that high number.

Hmm... mine was around 2,702 I think.
Now it's 1,768.


--- Quote from: Shiunu on February 20 2006, 04:45 pm ---Well mine's 694 now. It was like 800 something until they forums were cleaned.

--- End quote ---

Oooh!! Silly me. Shoulda read forum announcements first. X3 Thanks for pointing that out to me, Shiunu!


--- Quote from: hoshisenshi on February 20 2006, 04:50 pm ---Oooh!! Silly me. Shoulda read forum announcements first. X3 Thanks for pointing that out to me, Shiunu!

--- End quote ---

same here.. now i have 1,838. a thousand lesser.


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