General Discussions > Chains Board

Have you ever --- ?

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Director of Music:
Erm..yep..I kinda was outraged at a friend in the mall and I was like "YOU DID WHAT?!?!?" And started jumping up and down ^^;;

Have you ever been considered mature?

given my age (early 20s), definitely~ but at times i prefer to be childish as well.. its well balance~ :hehe:
have you unknowingly or nearly bang into a lamp post?

Ahem...Tee hee! ^_^ I was reading my manga on the way home and bashed into one!

Have you ever experience a real chinese new years?

Møon Li:
Never :(

 Have you ever learned a language by yourself?

nope.. but probably i will (someday)~

have you ever cry in public?


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