General Discussions > Chains Board

Have you ever --- ?

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Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
uh...I want to kill people...but only when they're becoming seriously annoying to aren't annoying at all...

...driven a car?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
...not really...else I'd be insecure around them...

started a topic yourself?

Konata Izumi:
once... I hope I could cherish a moment like that again...

have you tried watching reruns of naruto over and over again?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
in fanfictions, yeah...but I got to get in good terms with my worst flamer ^^

...been to a hospital?

I don't want to.. -_- It gives me the chills

.... liked someone before but can't confess because you're friends with the person? 9most common case in relationships)


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