General Discussions > Chains Board

Have you ever --- ?

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but i am already one since i'm the official founder along with Ishiyaki of the amazing "Mokona's kidnappers guild",in which we are fighting to prevent Beetrain from destroying the KuroFainess  :wink:

have you ever choked yourself while you were eating  :sweatdrop:?

sometimes,but not severe though....drink water after that of course...:tongue:

have you ever late in your exam time?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
I think...a long time ago...

...been on a small island?

yes, it's a resort place, but if what you mean is deserted island, no then :XD:

have you ever had cockroach crawling in any part of your body?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master: foot... *trembles*

...let a day pass by without eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner?


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