AuthorTopic: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.  (Read 27557 times)

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #40 on: February 12 2006, 03:19 pm »
"Hai Syaoran-kun!" Chii said, as the two ran onto the island. The island was like a fariytale come to life; it was so peaceful. Chii's eyes glittered, it was everything that she had imagined back when she was a child, "Wonderfull...I wonder if the princess is here..? We should look for the medicine right Syaoran-kun?" she asked. Seeing a beautiful field of flowers, she stooped down and started to pick them smiling to herself.

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If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #41 on: February 12 2006, 03:23 pm »
Syaoran watched Chii and smiled. "I'm so glad that we finally got here. Yeah we should probably start looking for the medicine." Syaoran didn't see many people around. "Maybe everyone is further into the island. Maybe we should ask where we could find the medicine. Don't you think?" He was amazed by the beauty of the island, birds flew in the sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and flowers were everywhere. "What a beautiful place to live!" Syaoran exclaimed.

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #42 on: February 12 2006, 03:32 pm »
Chii stood up and squinted into the sun, then stared off into the distance, "I bet the fresh air would make Fye-kun much better! It's so clean here!" Chii smiled as a soft wind blew through the field. Running further into the field, she bekoned Syaoran to follow her, "If we're going to find it, we better go further in! The princess awaits for you Syaoran-kun!!" Chii called happily running off.

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If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
It's called...CANON~
遠く遠く この空のどこかに 君はいるんだろう
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Offline Shiunu

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #43 on: February 12 2006, 03:35 pm »
"Yeah I'm coming!" Syaoran said and ran after her. He felt so free and felt like he was able to do anything while he was on this island. "Chii this is so great being able to be her with you." Syaoran told her and he ran by her side. "I feel like I've missed out on so much not being able to see you." Syaoran explained. "We'll catch up after we find the medicine for Fye okay?" He said and smiled at her.

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #44 on: February 12 2006, 03:52 pm »
Chii blushed, "Arigato Syaoran-kun! We've all been busy growing up...I've been busy with my parent's tea shop, and you've been looking after Fye-kun." she said smiling. The island only got more beautiful as they continued to walk, "You and Fye-kun can come over and I'll make dinner! Maybe the princess will come Syaoran-kun! What do you think she's like?" Chii asked happily. In her mind, the princess had beautiful emerald green eyes and brown chocolate hair.

Set by Hachi
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If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
It's called...CANON~
遠く遠く この空のどこかに 君はいるんだろう
I know that you are somewhere under this sky, far, far away
-"Planetarium" -Ai Otsuka

Offline Shiunu

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #45 on: February 12 2006, 04:05 pm »
"Yeah sure I'd love to come over some time." Syaoran said. He thought about what Chii had said about the princess. "Well I think she's probably a very sweet person because she rules such a beautiful island." Syaoran told Chii.


Gomen that was short!  :heh:

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #46 on: February 13 2006, 03:33 pm »
Chii smiled and nodded, another patch of flowers greeted them and she cheered in glee, "Fye-kun will be so much more happier with these new flowers! I've never seen these on the main land!" she said happily. After she had succeded in picking a few, she wondered how much longer it would take to find the princess, "I think the princess is hiding from you Syaoran-kun! You better ask her to come out," Chii teased her friend.

Set by Hachi
Ashlee and I love our Rum!
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If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
It's called...CANON~
遠く遠く この空のどこかに 君はいるんだろう
I know that you are somewhere under this sky, far, far away
-"Planetarium" -Ai Otsuka

Offline Shiunu

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #47 on: February 14 2006, 10:05 am »
"I wonder if she would come." Syaoran laughed. He wondered where the medicine could be. He didn't think that it would be very easy to find. Especially since it was able to cure pretty much any illness. He figured that he and Chii would have to ask around and look around for the medicine. Syaoran looked at Chii and smiled as she was picking the fllowers. "I'm sure Fye would love those flowers Chii. Make sure to keep them safe okay?" Syaoran told her.

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #48 on: February 14 2006, 11:57 am »
Sakura joyfully rubbed herself with the lily pad, she spun in circles in the pond, her clothing neatly placed on a rock nearby. She giggled as she poured water over herself. She didn't notice the two people approaching to her private space.

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Offline Shiunu

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #49 on: February 19 2006, 03:39 pm »
(Wow! Sorry about not posting :sweatdrop:)

Syaoran walked along in the forest with Chii until he saw a clearing in the forest. He thought he saw a little pond up ahead and it looked like someone was over there. "Do you see that Chii?"

(Gomen I have major writer's block today)

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #50 on: February 19 2006, 04:25 pm »
Chii spotted a pond in the distant, "Syaoran-kun!!! I bet it's the princess taking a bath!" Chii said happily. Suddenly she realized what she had said and she smiled blushing, "Maybe Syaoran-kun should stay behind for a bit? I'll go check if it really is the princess." She ran off before Syaoran could protest and say it might be dangerous, "I'll be fine Syaoran-kun!" Chii called back happily her blond hair flying behind her wildly.

As Chii neared the pond she found that it was a human indeed- a girl human about her age. Slowly, Chii slowed down and started to walk slower, trying not to make much noise.

Set by Hachi
Ashlee and I love our Rum!
Fourm Family.:.
Onee-chan.:.Ruby-chan.:.Zeldi.:. AkaiYuki.:.Hori.:. moezy-chan.:.babypiggy.:.Miharu Endoh.:.bLuetopaz.:.Shiunu.:.Ashlee
Imoto-chan.:.Moonflower121 <---My *special* imoto-chan!
If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
It's called...CANON~
遠く遠く この空のどこかに 君はいるんだろう
I know that you are somewhere under this sky, far, far away
-"Planetarium" -Ai Otsuka

Offline Shiunu

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #51 on: February 19 2006, 04:30 pm »
Syaoran yelled after Chii. "Chii! Come back!" He found that she couldn't hear him though and he just decided that he better wait for her. Her looked up at the huge apple trees one of which he was standing under. He noticed several large apples on the tree that looked like they were ready to be ate. "Oh wow. They look delicious." Syaoran said and was planning on climbing up the tree to get one. He decided that he would wait until Chii came back in case she wanted one. Syaoran set down in the shade of the tree and laid out in the grass. He looked up at the sky and smiled. He loved everything about this island.

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #52 on: February 20 2006, 06:50 am »
Sakura scrubbed her arms and jigged a bit in the mild water. She didn't notice Chii appraoching. Her clothes were neatly folded on the rockside.

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #53 on: February 21 2006, 11:00 am »
Tomoyo smiled, having just stitched the last bits of Sakura's new outfit.  After asking Sakura's grandmother she found out her best friend was bathing in the pond that she loved.  She wrapped the clothes up and hurried out, passing a boy under a tree.  Slowing down, she paused and stared at him, trying to figure out if she remembered him.

Drawing a blank, she shrugged and continued on her way, hugging the clothes to her chest.[/i]
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

[ -  F o r u m  F a m i l y  - ]
Little sis - hikari_blaze ; babypigggy ; Okamirei ; wishingstarx
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #54 on: February 21 2006, 11:10 am »
Syaoran looked around and noticed that Chii still hadn't came back.He wondered who that strange girl was that was staring at him as she passed. He shrugged and got up and walked over a little and hid behind a tree. "Chii! Did you figure out who it was?" Syaoran yelled.

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #55 on: February 21 2006, 11:14 am »
His loud yelling startled Sakura. Even after noticing that it had been a guy yelling, she lifted herself right out of the water, her naked body revealing. She waved to Tomoyo, who smiled as if it was nothing.
"Tomoyo-chan! Thankyou!" She screamed, splashing and jumping.

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #56 on: February 21 2006, 11:20 am »
"You're welcome Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo called as she hurried forward with Sakura's new dress.  It was a soft pink color with wispy see-through sparkling fabric over the skirt of it.  It was off the shoulder and a soft cottony fabric that Sakura preferred.

She held it out with a small smile. 

"Did you want to wear this now or wait until later, Sakura-chan?"
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

[ -  F o r u m  F a m i l y  - ]
Little sis - hikari_blaze ; babypigggy ; Okamirei ; wishingstarx
Big sis - Moon Li ; lilaznrycegurl ; Shiunu  ; Aya-chan
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #57 on: February 21 2006, 11:22 am »
Syaoran heard a few girls talking. "Who is that?" He barely poked his head out from behind the tree and saw two girls standing talking. One wasn't even dressed and the other looked to be the girl he had seen just a minute ago. He immediatley turned around and covered his eyes. "What have I just done." He felt embarrassed to see a girl without any clothes on. He still didn't know where Chii was.

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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #58 on: February 21 2006, 11:34 am »
"Hmm?" Sakura peaked over and saw Syaoran's light shaddow on the rock. "Oh nothing, I'd love to try that on now..but i can't seem to find my towel. "Sakura stepped right out of the water onto the grassy land, undressed.

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
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Re: Mixed - CCS/TRC - Close my eyes and my wishes come true.
« Reply #59 on: February 21 2006, 11:36 am »
Syaoran knew that he somehow had to get out of sight without the two girls seeing him. Chii where are you? He thought to himself.

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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