Did this rpg on another board, so I'll try here!!! ^_^
Sakura -
ShiunuMeilin -Â
Open character, anyone can play until claimed 
Tomoyo -
HypercrabbySyaoran -
BabypigggyKero -
OkamireiYukito -
Open character, anyone can play until claimed 
Suppy -
Open character, anyone can play until claimed 
Eriol -
Open character, anyone can play until claimed 
We need a Sakura and Syaoran diffinantly, but we also need the others to help them outÂ

And yes, created characters ARE allowed. Bios? Meh.. you can add a bio if you wish ^_^
Kaston - Kalshion
Nanase - Kalshion
Ariana - Fai
Bad Guy's - Fai, Kalshion, and everyone else :p
There are four crystals in this story
Each one resonates a different energy that responds to a character
For Sakura and Syaoran, the first crystal resonates to them (Which resides in the Country of Clow)
The second crystal resonates to Eriol and Tomoyo (Which resides in the Caverns of Sorrow)
The third crystal resonates to Mielin and Miyuki (Which resides in the Kingdom of Calton)
The forth resonates to Kaston and Nanase (This crystal is the one that Fai's character is currently holding onto, but Kaston and Nanase don't know that)
Once the characters get near the crystal they'll know they'll be affected by it (I'll also be putting in a LOCATION: *Place* from now on so that no one is confused) I'll change our location after a certain number of posts, or until a certain event occurs
As for geological locations:
The Country of Clow is the magical country of this world, within resides people who know magic and know how to use it, the country takes of form of the Europeon Medevil period. Due to this, the only mode of transportation is Horse or Boat.. and of course your feet ;-)
The capital of this country of the Castle of Clow
The Caverns of Sorrow are just as they are named: It's a place full of horror and grief, a place no one should step into. The location for this is keep inside the Cascade Mountains located on an island just off the coast of Kingdom of Calton. This is a very dangerous place, as the inhabitants don't like outsiders, and is the one place that Kaston and Nanase fear the most, the crystal is hidden somewhere in these caves
The Kingdom of Calton, a techno kingdom where car's and skyscrappers ran, one city actually has the name "Tomoeda" and it's layout is exactly alike to it's real world cousin, everything about it is the same, fomr the location of Sakura's home, to the grade school and high school they used to attend. The one thing that sets this place apart however is that the capital is a floating city where no one is allowed, not even the military, it's said the ruler resides up there with the Crystal in question.. and that the only visitors are students from the local schools who come to pay homemage to the Ruler and to tour his palace
The Empire of Giveron, another dangerous place, this Empire get's it's name from the Undead that walk it's plains, the undead being those who have died on this world and have thus been reanimated. The undead in question remembers everything about there former life, but saddly, is unable to return to that life becuase of a barrier that was projected across there country that locks them in, reguler people can enter and leave, but the undead can't: They are NOT a warring place, but WILL defend themselves if attacked
The Holy City of Magibefan, a city of woman and only woman, nothing is known about this place since no man has every left it. One thing is for certain: They are VERY defensive of their children
:Please Read This:
This area changes depending on where we areThe Holy City of Magibefan is the next city that Sakura and her group heads to after Sakura and Syaoran obtain the crystal that is inbedded in the being that they are currently fighting
One thing you all must know: This is a city of woman, but they are nun's and follow the teaching's of their god (I know some of you might not believe in God,I know I don't, but this is how I wanted this City to be portrayed)
This is an important part of the story, because it allows Kaston and Nanase to reveal several important facts about themselves that Sakura and Syaoran need to know (It might also be a bombshell, so I'm expecting their RPers to be shocked, yes, as in Bombshell I mean a real nasty bomb :p)
How they get there will be explained in the post in question
Just an FYI: The world you all are in is in a constant state of Turmoil, while it doesn't look it, each place the group passes through turns into rumble and chaos when they leave. But no one is suppose to notice it.... well... not until toward the end
Plot -
It's been ten years since Sakura and Syaoran confessed their love for each other and started dating. Now, with Syaoran attending a university and Sakura in college, everything should've been fine. But one faithful winter night at the Tokyo Tower, Sakura, Syaoran and the rest of their friends where celebrating new years with a bang, when out of the blue a bright light flashed the sky and night turned into day
In another part of the land, four assassin's steal four relic's that turn the tide of a battle in the favor of their employer, these relic's have a strange magical bond to them that allows those sensitive to magic to become stronger, but is it possible these are responsible for the strange teleportation into the era that they are in?
And what about their age, they went from being 21-22 to being 11-12? Why was their age affected so much, yet they're memorys are clear, they recall everything that happened up to that point
(The change in age is just to make things fit with the plot, don't worry it ain't permanant... ^_^)