AuthorTopic: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times  (Read 51725 times)

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #40 on: February 10 2006, 10:49 am »
Sakura gasped and grabbed onto Syaoran. "What's happening!?" She yelled. She looked around and could barley see anything. She heard the bells ring, she knew that they were ringing in the new year. She felt herself being transported and she had no idea where.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #41 on: February 10 2006, 11:44 am »
No it was more like the world around them was being changed. The roads eroded, the trees seem to tore away, as if time itself was moving faster.
"Sakkura! Are you there?" Syaoran yelled. He felt her hand, but he didn't hera her voice.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #42 on: February 10 2006, 01:02 pm »
Sakura was still holding Syaoran's hand. She could hear him faintly. "I'm here!" She yelled. She was wondering what was happening. She could still faintly hear the new year bells ringing.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #43 on: February 10 2006, 01:31 pm »
The being sighed and fell to one knee, before Sakura and her friends vanished from the area, she fell forward, out of breath. "Princess!" Her two minions yelled

"I'm.... ok......." She said and got back up. "That... took a lot... out... of... me...." she wisped her hair back.

Now in the other world

The kid stood there between his sister and the two men. He held his weapon toward the enemy soldier who swung at him, he brought his weapon up but the soldiers sword sliced right through it, hitting the kid in the chest and forcing him back against his sister. "Bro!" She said and laid him down, he had a gapping wound on the side of his chest, she turned toward the soldier. "Meany!!" she said and got up and brought her hands out. "I won't let you harm him!"

The two men looked at each other and laughed. "And what can a kid like you do about it?" they grinned, but the sudden lightning caused them to back away. "What the heck is that!" one of them yelled. The kid's sister looked at it before grinning. "Seem's you made the princess mad." she smiled at them, who backed off, not wanting anything to do with the princess, then ran into the forest

The girl was about to get up when six people fell through the whole in the sky and straight into the shallow lake, she knelt down next to her brother, scared about who these people might be

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #44 on: February 10 2006, 01:34 pm »
Sakura woke up and she was underwater. Surprisingly, she could breathe and talk. "What is this? Where am I?" She swam up to the top of the lake and noticed it was very shallow. She noticed everyone else was here in this strange place as well. "Syaoran, Meiling-chan, Tomoyo-chan, Eriol-kun? Your all here?" She turned around and looked at several strange people looking back at her frightened.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #45 on: February 10 2006, 02:05 pm »
Tomoyo heard the bells ringing, strong at first then fainter and fainter as she and the others were engulfed in a strange warp. Or was it just her? She reached out her right arm as far as she could. Her fingers ran across smooth fabric. Eriol's jacket.
"Hiragizawa-Kun?!" She yelled. But there was no answer. Still, Tomoyo comforted herself with the thought that the cloth she felt belonged to Eriol and squeezed it.
Sudden cold pressure pushed her down. All the loud sounds of trees being ripped and the earth itself being carved by time was instanly muted. It took a few seconds for Tomoyo to realize that she was underwater. The cloth she held tugged and pulled her up to the surface.
"Are you alright, Daidouji-San?" Eriol's pale face came into focus.
"I think so", she quickly replied,"But what just happened? Where are the others?" The lake which they floated in was thick with fog.
Eriol frowned. "Someone has used an extremely powerful spell to get us here. I believe we've been transported to a different dimension of time. Ah--Tomoyo, your hand..."
Puzzled, Tomoyo looked down and realized her hand was still firmly clamped down on Eriol's jacket. Immediatley, she let go.
"I-I'm so sorry!"
"In any case, let's try to find the others."

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #46 on: February 10 2006, 02:33 pm »
The other world

The girl panted, exhasted as she had ran at her top speed as fast as she could. The amulet was no longer in her hand, nor was it around her neck, it was hidden away in a place no one would find. Figures were ahead of her, and they seemed to be holding swords, "Oh no...Now I'm dead..." panted the girl between breaths. Her curousity grew as she saw 2 others with them kneeling on the ground, which she hoped they weren't teamed up with the freaks in the masks.
Lightning flashed through the sky and it grew dark, a dark cloud rolled over the 4 figures ahead, and more bodies fell from the sky into the lake. The shouts of the men who called to their companions to stop her urgered her to keep moving, "There is no way around them...they'll get me if I do. Only one way, up!" she thought to herself.
Encreasing her speed, she lept into the air and jumped onto the surprised backs of the men, landing beside the two kneeling figures. Her guard never dropped even if these strangers seemed harmless.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #47 on: February 10 2006, 03:01 pm »
The little girl stared at the strange person who had just knocked one of the men down. "Who-who are you?!" She said. "Please don't hurt us! We don't have anything for you to take!" she said

Her brother opened his eye's and looked at her, he got up on one leg but was rather off balance to begin with and couldn't keep his stance so he stayed back down on one knee. He felt his side and could tell he would need a healing spell once they got back to the village. He looked over at the lake and noticed the new people who had just appeared in the water, he was curious as to who they where, but then it dawned on him, an ancient legend about how people would appear when the crystal's of life disappeared, he wondered if these people where those mentioned in the legend. He looked at his sister then at the girl who stood before them. "Your attire...." he said then looked at the people in the lake.Children? he asked himself

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #48 on: February 10 2006, 03:24 pm »
She glanced at the little girl who stuttered asking her not to hurt them, "I won't hurt you...but those guys in the masks might. How long have they been chasing you?" Something suddenly fitted together, why would the men chase after these kids? They wouldn't-unless they had something they wanted,"I don't sence anything coming from them. They must have hidden it well."
She tried to stand up, but fell as soon as she tried, "Uhg...I feel so tired.." the girl panting once again. For some strange reason, the thought of an ancient prohecpy etched onto the walls of the ruins where the ruins were kept popped into her mind, "I never understood it...but now it's startng to make a little sence.."

Set by Hachi
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If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
It's called...CANON~
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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #49 on: February 10 2006, 03:32 pm »
He shook his head. "Those men... they wanted something." he said and looked at the people out in the lake, then gestured to his little sister, who nodded.

His little sister walked over to the edge of the cliff which overlooked the lake, she chanted something in her native language that caused a barrier to appear underwater, then slowly rise up to the top of the water, carrying anyone who might've been under, to the top. "There!" she chirped. "Now no one is stuck under water." she spun around on her heels and laughed, although the look on her brothers faced caused that smile on her face to go away.

He got up on one leg, this time managing to keep his balance. He heard a wolf in the distance and then another sound that told him this place wasn't safe. "I don't know who you people are." He said to Sakura and her group, although he truely didn't know there names. "But if you stay here you'll be in trouble, please follow us." he said and gestured for them to follow. His little sister ran over to the lady who had fallen to the ground and helped her up, her brother walked slowly toward the forest. "Our home is only a few Ki's from here." he said

Ki - A term used for feet, in this case, Kaston and his little sister (Well, if you call a twelve year old girl 'little') only ran about three blocks from their home, so you do the math (Sorry, it's stupid but I truely don't know the distance three blocks has when it comes to feet)

I'll update the terms in each post as they are used

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #50 on: February 10 2006, 03:43 pm »
The girl smiled at the boy's little sister as she helped her up, "If you're wondering, I'm not as old as you think...I'm only 19." she said smiling. A sharp pain stabbed through her leg, wincing, she raised a hand to find the cause of it, and soon the pain was subdued to nothing but a mere itch. Smiling with satisfaction, she stood up and streched.
The new comers to the land seemed so out of place, espieclly their clothes, "The prohecy did say something about travelers from a distant land. But it doesn't look they traveled anywhere." Her eyes squinted, 2 of them had magical abilites in the group, and they were very strong magical abilites. Her hand shot to her heart and she quickly withdrew it trying to reassure herself that no one would get or find the relic, "Would you mind telling me why those men were chasing you?" she asked curiosuly once in the cool shade of the forest to the girl.

Set by Hachi
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If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
It's called...CANON~
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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #51 on: February 10 2006, 03:53 pm »
The girl shook her head. "We don't know," she lied. "they just came into our home and tried to arrest us, we don't truely know why." She said to the older lady. "Although..." she looked at the new comers. "The legend speaks of six people from a far away land. I thought it mean't six adults... not six kid's the same age as myself." she said curiously

Her brother was also in the same opinion, the new comers looked to be between the ages of ten and thirteen, although he wasn't at liberty to ask them why, only that he wanted to get back to the village fast.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #52 on: February 13 2006, 03:08 am »
It had taken them several minutes to walk back to the village. Either the villagers where to busy, or just didn't care about the new comers who had arrived.

Kaston opend the door to his home. "Please come in" he said and went inside. "It's not much, but make yourselves at home."

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #53 on: February 14 2006, 07:33 am »
Tomoyo looked around, a little timidly. In the back, there was a small fireplace crackling. Some foreign-looking fish were set up on a rack just above the crackling flames. There were various dried plants and herbs bound by string and pinned against the walls, filling the home with the smell of musk and jasmine. The small house had no tatami mats, but hard wood floors. Kaston strode on in, not hesitating to take off his shoes. The others went in right away. Akwardly, Tomoyo followed them in.
"So...where exactly is this village? Are we still in Japan?"she asked.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #54 on: February 14 2006, 08:16 am »
Miyuki fell to the ground with a loud thump, she was still tryingn to hold on to the modern realm
"I..told you so." She whispered and that was the last of her..or they thought.

Syaoran dragged Sakura above the water, taking off his thick jacket to put over Sakura's shivering body. He smiled, but also he was freezing. The moon rose above their heads and he noticed he was still holding on to that reciet from the rude waitress. They never really got around to paying though..

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #55 on: February 14 2006, 09:41 am »
Kaston walked back into the room. "Ja... pen?" He asked and shook his head. "No... This is the County of Clow." said Kaston as he sat down on a wooden chair. His sister came in then, holding a plate full of food, also some sort of drink to, she set it down on the table next to them, then looked at the shivering girl. "Whats your names?" She asked them

(ooc: Everyone should be at Kaston/Nanase's house right now)

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #56 on: February 14 2006, 10:14 am »
(Isn't everyone supposed to be like younger here? Like 12-13? That was Kasawa just said in his post earlier.)
Sakura smiled a little despite she was freezing from the cold water. "I'm Sakura. Sakura Kinomoto. We don't really know how we got here or whats going on but can you guys tell us anything?" She questioned. She was surprised at the room. Everything look so old fashioned but she was fascinated by it. "This is the kingdom of Clow?" Sakura questioned Kaston.

(Oh yeah does Sakura and Syaoran still have the same abilties of magic as they did before when they were younger. Do they remember everything that happened when they were younger?)

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #57 on: February 14 2006, 11:55 am »
Syaoran noticed that he felt...really..small. He felt everything above him higher than before. A sudden dizziness covered him, and as if a bat flew over, he blanked out and fell into the darkness of his mind.

When he opened his eyes and looked above, he saw Sakura's baby face looking down at him with curiosity. Surprisingly. Miyuki stood still in the corner of the room, speaking to Kaston, she seemed annoyed.

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #58 on: February 14 2006, 11:56 am »
"I'm Tomoyo Daidouji," she said bowing slightly.
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Eriol Hiragizawa". Eriol had a strange smile on his face, Tomoyo noticed. It wasn't pleasant nor forced, but there was something strange about it...almost like his mind was elsewhere.
"Would you mind telling me..." he began,"Why this country is called 'Clow'? it named after a person?"

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #59 on: February 14 2006, 12:20 pm »
(Yes, everyone is between 10-13, it's up to those who play the character what age they want them to be, and yes, everyone still has there magic, only thing that was affected was there age =) )

He shook his head. "Not Kingdom, just County of Clow." he said to Sakura

Kaston then heard Eriol's question and looked at him. "The County of Clow was named after a famous young mage who revolted against the old kingdom. His name was Clow Reed." He walked over to a history book. "Our princess, Princess Sakura, went missing some time ago at first no one was worried." he smiled. "she had a thing for adventure so none of us, including my own father, tried to stop her when she would come into town"

His voice went from being happy, so being rather sad. "Then two years ago a new king was a pointed over the original king, this new king is a tyrant, and I won't say his name, only that he wields magic that no other mage can use, and Princess Sakura... bless her soul... I just wish we could find her. Before all this happened she had a strange power that allowed her to heal people, and to create such beautiful spectacles." he sighed and looked at Sakura. "I can't be ceratin if it's a mere coincedence that your name is Sakura, but, I beg you to help us. I can sense the amount of magic that is within all of you, you two-" he pointed at Sakura and Syaoran "- seem to have the largest amount of magic."


Nanase walked out of the house. "Pleasant night." she said and smiled, unbenowst to her, or anyone else, the house was being watched by two men in the forest, bow's raised, and arrows at the ready

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