AuthorTopic: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times  (Read 51711 times)

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #80 on: February 15 2006, 05:40 pm »
Nanase looked at Meiling. "We can't answer that..." the young girl said with sad eyes. "We can only speculate that something went wrong with the teleport, and you where brought along as well." Did Nanase want to tell her that she could since some magic with in her? Within ALL of them?

"Please understand, we only know that you came here quite suddenly, the best person to talk to would be the princess." Kaston said and walked around the fire once more. "When we find her-" He knelt down on the ground. "-You may talk to her." he smiled. He wanted to tell them that they should cherish there youth, but that had already been said, should he also tell them that they didn't age? No... that was something that wouldn't help them. "Now, get some rest, nights here are very long, so you should be rested by morning, it also seems like we'll have some rain, and rain here is nice, and a good omen." He rested his back up against the wall, his little sister laid herself over his lap and the two soon fell asleep

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #81 on: February 16 2006, 05:02 am »
Ariana stared into space barley listiening to the conversation at hand. Her hood was still placed over her head, and she could feel the amulet glowing, "I'll bring you back...Don't worry," she murmmed quietly. Her eyes felt heavy with sleep and soon everyone in the cave had fallen asleep.

Struggling to her feet, Ariana tiptoed silently out of the cave into the moonlit night, "They wouldn't notice if I was gone. No one ever did and no one ever will..." A cool breeze caught her cloak, and it whirled around her. Ariana turned her face to the moon, and started to chant, a pale pink light englufed her and in a moment she was gone.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #82 on: February 16 2006, 09:52 am »
Morning seemed to come quickly, everyone stretched and yawned - forgetting how dangerous it was here.
"Where's that girl." Miyuki shot at Kaston.
"what a warm good morning." Syaoran shot back. Miyuki stared.
"I'm telling you, taht missing." Everyone seemed to stare at her with unease. They shrugged.
"So..Kaston, what are our plans for today?" Syaoran asked in curiosity

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #83 on: February 16 2006, 10:11 am »
Kaston blinked and stared at Syaoran. "Once everyone is awake, we'll head on out to the sea shore vtown of Gukolan, from there we can figure out what to do. Perhaps pay a few of the town's shrines a visit." He said and looked down at his still sleeping sister. "Once I get this growth off me." he grinned. "I don't thnk we'll have much trouble except with how young you all look." He said and pointed at them. "Although we could get by that if we where to pass as a traveling group."

He really didn't like that idea at all, mostly because he knew the other three countrys well, and one of which would prove to be very difficult. Kaston slow pushed his sister off him and laid her head on the ground, then got up. "I'll be near the lake when you are ready go to." with that he left for the lake

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #84 on: February 16 2006, 10:15 am »
Sakura yawned and stretched. "Wow I'm so tired. It still didn't seem like we got much sleep.." Sakura said. She looked at Syaoran and smiled. "I kept worrying about you. Are you okay now?" She asked him. Sakura truly hoped that Syaoran was okay. She really wanted to talk to Princess Sakura and get this whole thing situated. "This is really strange that there's a princess named Sakura and my name is Sakura... I wonder if we have any relation..?" Sakura spoke aloud. They were supposed to be her thoughts but she apparentley had just said it aloud to everyone. She shrugged and looked at Syaoran. "Are you sure you're alright? I was so worried.."

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #85 on: February 16 2006, 11:26 am »
Syaoran gave an assuring nod. "I'm find, don't worry. You can get more sleep on the ship. Remember we are physically only so small now, more sleep is needed." Syaoran smiled.

Questions flew past his mind.
Why is Miyuki not shrunken..?
Who really is this Kaston guy?

He knew instantly he wasn't going to get his answer, shrugging the questions off, trying to make them not bug himi so much, he walked out into the sun.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #86 on: February 16 2006, 11:59 am »
Tomoyo rubbed her neck wearily. Sleeping on a rocky floor had made her stiff.
"A city by the sea...That sounds lovley." she said.
"Makes me wanna go swimming!" Meiling shouted,"Maybe we could plan a beach brake at some point."
Eriol chuckled to himself, making Meiling glare at his smugness.
"What're you smirking about?!"
"We just got out of the water and already you're eager to get back in."
Meiling blushed, her eyes narrowing,"Oh shut up!"
Everyone laughed at this. It looked like the start to a good day.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #87 on: February 16 2006, 12:02 pm »
Syaoran felt a strange sense of loss. He had made Sakura worried, he didn't even know what was wrong with himself. He's been weak lately and unable to talk and laugh with others. He sighed.

Miyuki walked out to join him, but she seemed allergic to the sun, she quickly backed out to the shade.
"You're waking up." Miyuki said, eyes squinted, hiding from the sun.
"What? What's with you? Who are you?" Syaoran said. What a strange person..
"Miyuki. You're waking up, blindie. Nothing's with me." Miyuki replied. Syaoran ignored her, once again. She always seemed to go on about things that nevcer happened, or don't make sense.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #88 on: February 16 2006, 01:19 pm »
Sakura got up and walked towards the exit of the cave. She walked out into the strong beams of the sun. She laughed a little and spun around. "Wow! What a beautiful day! Ne, Syaoran?" She said and poked him. She had noticed a little change in his personality. He was much more quiter and seemed like he was more tired than usual. "Are you sure your alright?" Sakura asked him again. He nodded and it made her feel reassurerd. "I'm glad! Now lets get going! I wanna know more about this country and what's going on." Sakura exclaimed and grabbed his hand. "Come on Syaoran! Come on everyone!" Sakura said.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #89 on: February 16 2006, 02:24 pm »
Kaston rested against the tree near the lake. The smell was pleasant and calmed his soul. "Looks like it'll be raining later today." He said

Yep he heard his sister say to him through a link, although in the cave, she still appeared as if she was asleep

"You think we should actually tell them that, as guardians under Princess Sakura, we have the ability to talk telepathicly?"

No, I don't think we should. They are already suspious of us and we don't need them to become further suspious. By the way, you did feel it right?

Kaston nodded. "Yes I did... Princess Sakura is near by but I can't be certain of the distance, for all we know she could be just a few feet away... or on the other side of the planet..."

Lets just search for her, we both know her favorite places to go to.

He laughed to himself. "Yes... ok..." he said and looked over his shoulder and toward the cave. "I wonder if they are ready?" he asked himself

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #90 on: February 16 2006, 05:59 pm »
The group began their walk to Gukolan. There were clouds thickening in the sky, but the humidity was just low enough to make the air pleasantly warm. Meiling looked at the sky."This weather is a lot like Hong Kong, isn't it Syaoran?"
Syaoran didn't seem to be listening. Tomoyo furrowed her brows at his silence. Suddenly, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. Eriol leaned in and whispered into her ear.
"You've noticed Li-Kun's distance from us, haven't you?" With the sudden closeness of Eriol, it was all Tomoyo could do but keep from blushing. She nodded, avoiding eye contact.
"Do you sense anything, Hiragizawa-kun?" she asked quietly. At this, Eriol closed his eyes.
"No..." he mumbled,"I mean, not exactly. The problem is, there's too much interference. With so many spells being cast, it is hard to pinpoint whether some magic force is specifically effecting Li-kun or not."
Tomoyo glanced over at Sakura. Her hand was clasped tightly around Syaoran's, a wide grin on her face. It was as if this huge change in their lives wasn't terrifying at all. That is one of the reasons Tomoyo loved Sakura so deeply. Her ability to smile in the darkest of times. She was a ray of hope for everyone.
"I know..." Eriol sighed, "I don't want there to be anything wrong with Li-Kun, either. Not when Sakura-San is so happy."
Tomoyo's eyes widened. Hiragizawa-Kun is able to read my thoughts now?! Worrying about Eriol figuring out her feeling's for him, she turned crimson red. 
"You're not physcic, are you?"
Eriol adjusted his glasses akwardly,"If I was my life would be much simpler, Daidouji-san. I can read fluxuations in magic, not human emotion..."
It may have been the light, but Tomoyo could have sworn that Eriol's glasses were slightly fogging up.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #91 on: February 17 2006, 08:19 am »
Kaston and his sister where up ahead a little bit, both on occasion would look behind them to see if the group was still following them. "Hey bro?"

"hmmm?" Kaston said while looking around

Nanase glanced behind her and moved up to his side. "You think we'll actually find her?"

He shrugged. "The port town is where we should look, the Master and Mistress there can give us a ride to one of the other countrys."

She smiled. "Thats good! We can see Nanoha again!!" She chirped

Her big brother smiled slightly, although there live's where full of responsbility, this was a first time since they took on these positions that either could actually act 'normal'

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #92 on: February 19 2006, 04:28 am »
"Kaston, about this town we're going to, would you happen to know if anyone..spiritual is around?" Syaoran asked. HE didn't quite know why this questin was really asked, but he just wanted to know.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #93 on: February 19 2006, 04:34 am »
Kaston looked at him then looked forward again. "The village does have mage's in it to help protect it from natural disasters, but their called 'natural mages' " he said and thought about it. "There might be a few who are connected to the spirit world, after all, this is the Country of Clow, and well known for it's mage's and spirits, so you might find a few there."

Nanase nodded. "It's also a port town, so there will be a lot of people there waiting for ships, or just mellowing about."

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #94 on: February 19 2006, 04:43 am »
Syaoran stared into space at their answers.
"Well, don't think i'm weird. It's just a wonder." Syaoran smiled and closed his eyes. He let the gentle waves of the seaside hit him and the shining rays of the sun light him. His spirits were high until..

*BAM* He got that sense of dissiness again, he looked over the Kaston on his side, and Miyuki in the tree, they began to blur and spin, he felt himself fall to the ground, but he felt light.

There were screams of terror when the bright flash of blue light eroded the beautiful Tokyo Tower. People ran for their lives, running away. But there was no running away, the light closed on them from every direction..they poofed somewhere else. Some froze, actually MOST froze.

Syaoran suddenly rememberd, that was..a few days ago, before they came  here.

There was a floating figure, with a staff in hand and in the staff..something looked trapped..

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #95 on: February 19 2006, 03:35 pm »
Sakura felt Syaoran's hand slip from hers and she saw him fell. "Syaoran!? Are you okay!?" Sakura asked and leaned down and tired to wake him. "This is already the second time he's fainted.." Sakura told everyone who had already turned around and were looking down at Syaoran. "What should we do?" Sakura said and looked back and forth between everyone's confused faces. "He's sick.. he just has to be.. why else would he faint like this?" Sakura said and tried to lift him a little. "Syaoran! Syaoran wake up!" Sakura yelled and then she suddenly saw his brown eyes open a little.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #96 on: February 19 2006, 04:21 pm »
As soon as Ariana appered in front of the entrace to the relic's shrine, she didn't sence anything wrong with it, "You're almost there, just hold on..." she murmmed again to the relic. The girl disappered inside of the ruin, but didn't see the figures that were following her inside.

Soon, Ariana came across a rockslide in the middle of her path, "That's strange...Nothing like this happened before, I wonder-," something chocked her neck, and broke her airway and a cruel chuckle came from behind. Ariana clutched her neck and tried to  break the spell, but nothing happened, "A-I have to get this relic back," she thought. Slowly, she dropped into unconciness, clutching her heart. The cloaked figures stepped over her body with an evil grin on their faces.

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If you had a choice; why not choose happiness?
It's called...CANON~
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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #97 on: February 19 2006, 04:30 pm »
Kaston stopped and looked behind him. "Where almost to the town. We'll have a doctor look at him." He said to Sakura and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure everything will be alright, ok?" he smiled at her then got up. "Where a good fifteen - twenty minute walk from the town." He said and gestured to his sister. "Help Sakura carry Syaoran to town ok?"

"Ok!" Said Nanase as she ran over to Sakura.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #98 on: February 19 2006, 04:37 pm »
Sakura smiled at Nanase and Kaston. "Arigato gozimasu. I really appreciate it." Sakura really hoped that Syaoran would be okay. She didn't want anything to be wrong with him. She loved him too much and it made matters worse that they were in a strange world without knowledge of alot of things. "Nanase-chan, is the doctor in the town we're going to a really good doctor?" Sakura questioned. She wanted to be sure that Syaoran recieved the best medical attention he could possibly get.

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Re: CardCaptor Sakura - Monolithic Times
« Reply #99 on: February 19 2006, 04:47 pm »
Nanase shook her head. "The best doctors are at the castle, but.... we can't go there... the doctor we know is one of is the one of took care of my big brother when we was little." she looked at him and noticed his face was slightly red. "Whats wrong big brother?"

"Er.. nothing." he said and didn't turn to meet her gaze, although after several minutes he sighed. "He was also the one who helped give birth to you because the princess asked only for him."

She smiled, but then the two caught themselves, would Sakura notice what they said? That the Princess gave BIRTH to Nanase? AND to him? The two only hoped Sakura, nor the others, would notice, or ask.

"Anyway..." Kaston said. "He's good enough to be trusted, so yes, he's a good doctor." he said quickly changing the subject

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