CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

what do you like about tsubasa...??

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I love both CCS and TRC's artwork. Especially the manga. Well the anime is gorgeous too!

bie liao:
I can never like the anime as much as the manga, mostly cause they change it and fill it with pointless, though sometimes cute, fillers.  But the art of Tsubasa's anime is pretty good...I love the eyes.


--- Quote from: bie liao on February 05 2006, 03:44 pm ---...but I personally like Tsubasa more cause it has Syaoran better drawn.

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same here!!
syaoran in ccs is cute, but i think syaoran in trc is better

i like the story line, the characters, the art work,.............. i just love everything!! XD


--- Quote from: bie liao on February 05 2006, 03:48 pm ---I can never like the anime as much as the manga, mostly cause they change it and fill it with pointless, though sometimes cute, fillers. But the art of Tsubasa's anime is pretty good...I love the eyes.

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I've never read the CCS manga. I always will love the CCS anime. It was like my 3rd anime ever.


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