CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

TRC merchandise

<< < (8/18) > >>

we have malls with anime stores such as cartoon field.. just that family won't let me use money for anime! which sux! cause that's what money is for!

money = ANIME LMAO

What's the point of having money without spending it only anime.....and basic neccesties as well XD


--- Quote from: scarecrow_wingz on April 07 2005, 07:16 pm ---i have a TRC/xXxholic calender hanging on my wall right now ^^

--- End quote ---

ooh, I have that too^^. did you get the stamps also?

I'll just have to go on a hunt in France... hmm... maybe they will have some...

at my place therez a mall, which inside have some stores that sell manga and anime stuff-but usually very expensive ah XD


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