CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
TRC merchandise
Yeah, everywhere seems to be expensive... lols. Best place is ebay.
--- Quote from: fisah on April 10 2005, 09:37 am ---money = ANIME LMAO
What's the point of having money without spending it only anime.....and basic neccesties as well XD
--- End quote ---
yes yes i agree! :D
i would do ebay too.. but i'm too young and i don't think my parents' will let me anyway.
Fai D. Flowright:
I just buy the mangas (for now) and hope when AnimeNEXT comes around, they'll be lots of CLAMP/TRC stuff there waiting for me X3
Your parents buy if for you off ebay. Then you choose, they buy!
bleh? I buy my stuff from doesn't have to be paypal (credit card payments)
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