CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

TRC merchandise

<< < (12/18) > >>

OMG, me need that. So cute ^^

The thing with CLAMP's merchandise is that there all so cute that you'd go broke. I remember all those pencil boards, they are highly addictive ^^

*continues to stare at the pic*

Miss Jenni-Maie:
[Sniffle] :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Seeing that makes me wish I had money.
Or I had the guts to become a theif/credit card fraud person.


The things CLAMP does to you.

I wish Canada had that type of merchandise around here, but for now, staring at it will do ^^

Miss Jenni-Maie:
[over dramatic sigh]
Looking is okay....but it's just not fair.
Sometimes, I hate being here.  :tongue3:

Err...Canada! Not the message board!!

Lol, yeah, anime isn't really big here in Canada, at least merchandise wise, I'm not counting the 'Beyblades' and Pokemon cards :P

I so wish I had that, I really do, I envy who ever has that right about now >.<


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