CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

TRC merchandise

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--- Quote from: Bao_Nhia_Yang on April 27 2005, 04:09 am ---what's a pencil board?? :S.. i'm really confused about that!! and PLEASE!! i'm begging you all.... ahhaha.. put up all the merchandise you know!

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a pencil board is a thin plastic board with a pretty image on the top.  they're called pencil boards because once upon a time, japanese students would place them in between the sheets of their notebook paper so that their writing wouldn't press too hard on the next page.

all (okay, maybe not ALL; maybe it's more like 90%) of all tsubasa merchandise that's been released are here: --


--- Quote from: Kurorin on April 27 2005, 06:04 am ---a pencil board is a thin plastic board with a pretty image on the top.  they're called pencil boards because once upon a time, japanese students would place them in between the sheets of their notebook paper so that their writing wouldn't press too hard on the next page.

all (okay, maybe not ALL; maybe it's more like 90%) of all tsubasa merchandise that's been released are here: --

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hm.. that's why it's called a pencil board? :-S weird... :?  i've seen your merchandises! >< ^-^ THX LOTS! now i just gotta go find them! *starts searching* bye!


--- Quote from: Kurorin on April 27 2005, 06:00 am ---it's basically a summary of everything that happened in the past volumes (this book covers all material from vols. 1-7 of the manga). there are character descriptions, world descriptions, etc.

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o'ritey.. thanks for the info!

do you think they'll have a tsubasa gameboy game?  :greengrin:

Miss Jenni-Maie:
That would be AWESOME!
[gets all giddy]


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