General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you rather be doing right now?

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On a decent internet connection! (sobs) I hate being on dial-up, and I have to be on dial-up all week while I'm home for spring break. And I can't download the Kaze to Ki no Uta OVA that Yuki so kindly put up for me, because each piece would take about eight hours!

Sleeping *snooze*

going home; I'm sick of being at college until 10-11pm at night

sleeping... i've gone to school in a saturday just for that d*rn mass!


--- Quote from: Jeannette on March 21 2006, 01:17 pm ---On a decent internet connection! (sobs) I hate being on dial-up, and I have to be on dial-up all week while I'm home for spring break. And I can't download the Kaze to Ki no Uta OVA that Yuki so kindly put up for me, because each piece would take about eight hours!

--- End quote ---

Ahh, gomen nasaaiiiii.... >_<

Hmmm, I'd rather be drawing... But I just don't have time to draw anymore!! Ever!! >_<


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