Whoo.. NO one has posted here in a long time. Well that's good. More ranting for me.
Well firstly, I want to warn you. I'm unstable right now after watching the dubbed version of Naruto. Boy I need to rant A LOT right now. >__< Ok So I suggest you guys back away from your computer. Ok wait nevermind. That's only if you guys had sound and I was recording my voice. ROFL!! You would hear my yelling! Seriously! Anyways.. let's start. XD!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!! HOW COULD THEY DO THAT!?!??!?!?!?!
Do you know that they DESTROYED Naruto!!! O___O HOLY CRAP! Seriously! Firstly, Naruto's last name is.. Uzumaki (Is that the right spelling) Anyways.. They say it as... Oooozumaki. AH!!!!! And then Sakura is Sa-kooo-ra! AH!!! *pulls hair out*
And then the voice. OMG! When I first heard Naruto speak, I was like *drops jaw* I think if I was standing and holding something, it would have fell onto the floor along with my jaw... O__O OMG!!! That's just not fair. AH!!!!!!!!! Naruto's voice is RUINED!!!! And then Sakura's voice. O__O Her inner Sakura is weird.. -__-" And then Iruka's voice. AH!!!!!!!!! THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
What else. AH!!!!!!! They took away all the lovely openings!!! They made this one just for the dubbed version. I mean like they already show Garaa in the opening. O__O WTF!! *sigh* THIS is SO disappointing!! >___<

AH!! And then the ending is just crap! *sigh* T___T I'm so sad right now!!!!!!!!
And then the way they talk is so choppy.. @__@ AH!! This stinks!!! It's so bad... T___T lolz. Naruto's voice is the worse part. *sigh* I'm so disappointed. They totally destroyed the Naruto people all love. T___T *sigh* Thankfully I still have Naruto on BT that's in JAPANESE!! Thank goodness!! haha. ^__^
Well I think my ranting is done. I think. I'm probably forgetting something. But whatever. lolz. It's all good. I'm pretty sure that's all I really wanted to say. XD hehe