Oh well. Spoiler for Savers below since I feel like it. Heheh...
We're now on the episode where the DATs gang finally goes into the Digiworld and encounters........Ikuto!! I can see why he's starting "to change" on his opinion of humans but it'll be very slow. He's a very good fighter and handles that boomerang of his pretty well. Wonder how he got into the Digiworld in the first place? I bet Mecurimon is Masaru's father. Maybe?

And Falcomon's digivolution is pretty interesting.
Touma's episode is up next!! Can't wait! "Memories of my Mother". Oohhh.. I bet we find out what happens to his Mom and see why he ends up "growing up" too fast. But I wonder, will Masaru have some memories too when both boys get knocked out? Err..., guess not since Touma needs to "Perfect Evolution" his Digipartner to Ultimate.
Too bad that it's not coming on this Sunday though. >_<