Digimon was the programme that started me drawing manga-style. Oh my, oh my! I was completely obsessed with it! Season one will always be my fav, Matt, Mimi, Tai, Izzy!

Oh, that epiode when Cherrymon convinced Matt that TK didn't love him... I cried like a baby after that ep. How could people even compare this genius to Pokemon?
Series 2, I didn't like too much. It just wasn't the same without the old favs, even if Matt and Izzy grew up to be quite cute!

I liked Ken, but I really didn't like Davis, Yolei and ugh, I hated Cody. Brat.
Season 3 I quite liked but it was on before I finished school so I missed a good bit. I think I saw up until the guy with the visor got his digimon, then it was moved to half 6 weekday mornings. >.< And then it got cancelled. And I haven't seen Digimon since.
And Joshua Seth is