AuthorTopic: [PKMN] Lessons from the Starters  (Read 3908 times)

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Offline Hikari B.

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[PKMN] Lessons from the Starters
« on: March 27 2006, 12:44 pm »
First time posting here... Heh. ^^;; A series of oneshots starring my main Pokemons from Sapphire.

Tales of Blaze, a sarcastic Blaziken with some insecurities and his time with Kip, the Swampert with a mind span of a fly. Humor, hints of shounen-ai between Pokemon, and a random shoes. The recipe for this story.

Rated PG

Lessons from the Starters

Japanese Lessons

Blaze Blaziken ruffled his yellow and red feathers as his long legs walked through the empty hallways of the small house in which he and the rest of the Pokemon team lived with their trainer. He sighed as one of his partners had wandered off, “Kip? Where the heck are you?” He called out. Silence answered him but a sudden rustle was heard. Blaze glanced around his surroundings and it came to him. The closet!

The closet door creaked as he slowly opened it and stepped inside. “Kip?” Blaze looked around when a dark figure with a black cloak over him slowly crept up on him, roaring.

“BOO--!” He didn’t finish when Blaze’s fist shoved into his face.

“I know it’s you, Kip,” Blaze muttered flatly. The figure groaned and took off the cloak, revealing a large blue catfish-like Pokemon with orange whiskers and beady eyes.

“How’d you know it was me?”

“You’re the only one of us who says ‘Boo’ besides Azu and he doesn’t like dark places,” Blaze muttered.

“Hai,” Kip said in another language.


“Nani?” Kip asked.

“…Why are you speaking Japanese?” Kip just said nothing but took out a book that said, ‘Speaking Japanese Guide for the Pokemon Dummies’ and started to flip through it. Blaze rolled his scarlet eyes.

“You’ve been talking to Hikari, haven’t you?” Blaze knew that his trainer was fond of the Japanese and that caught onto to Kip. Unfortunately, it caught onto him as well so yeah, he knew some of the language as well, but he couldn’t admit that to Kip. He’d never hear the end of it.

Kip looked to both sides with his eyes and pointed at Blaze suspiciously, “You don’t need to know…”

“It’s Hikari alright… I’d recognized that idiocy besides the kind Kip developed…” Blaze muttered and all of the sudden, a random shoe was thrown at him.

“I heard that!” The trainer yelled from the other room.

“…Anyway…That reminds me…” He turned to Kip, “We gotta go. It’s almost dinner.”

“Hai!” Kip smiled.

“Quit it already!” Blaze yelled. Kip plugged his ears and opened them slowly, wincing.

“Okay.” They headed for the door.

“By the way, Blaze…” Kip started.


“Dai suki!” he smiled. Blaze froze. He knew what that means.

Dai suki.

I love you.

“K-Kip?” Blaze stammered. Great, I’m stuttering. I, Blaze Kasai Blaziken, is stuttering because of Kip, the guy with a mind span of a fly! What has the world come to?

“Yeah?” He replied innocently. Ah, how dense he was…

“D-Do you even know what that means?” Blaze stuttered. Great, I’m acting like that Li, Syaoran, whatever guy from those comics Hikari has. Aw, crud.

“What means?” Kip asked.

“D-D-Dai…” Blaze was grateful in times like these that the feathers on his face were red and the stupid blush was starting to show, “S-Suki…”

“Of course I know!” Kip smiled.

He couldn’t really mean that…?

“It means…” he started and threw in his arms into the air, “We’re having cheese for dinner!”


Kip found Blaze flat on the floor, face-first.

“Shoulda known…” Blaze grumbled into the ground. Luckily, Kip didn’t hear him but instead the water Pokemon bent down to Blaze and poked him on the head.

“Daijoubu ka?” he asked in Japanese. Blaze stood up and dusted himself.

“Yeah. I’m okay.”

“Why’d you…” Kip paused and took out his Japanese book again, flipping through the pages again.

“Can’t you just ask in English already?”

“…Why’d you fall down?”


“And why’d you stammer like the guy from those comics Hikari reads?”

“Well…” Blaze turned away from him, “We gotta go to dinner.”


“Quit the Japanese stuff already.”

“Demo…” Kip started but Blaze interrupted.

“Unless you want me to Sky Uppercut to Pluto,” he held a glowing hand in a threatening way and Kip gulped, “And Hikari will sue our butts if we’re late.”

“Okay!” Kip smiled and Blaze gave a small smile back, “Let’s go!” Kip exclaimed.

“Hai.” Kip whirled around to face Blaze.

“You spoke Japanese!” He started to jump around, doing a happy dance, “Blaze spoke Japanese, Blaze spoke Japanese!”

“Dang,” Blaze grumbled and headed out the closet, Kip followed while singing all the way. They headed to the dining room and joined the rest of the group for cheese sandwichs.

But who knows? Blaze thought. Maybe Japanese isn’t so bad… Just maybe…

The End

(Azu's my Azumarrill)
« Last Edit: March 28 2006, 09:12 am by Hikari_Blaze »