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My Community for Scary-Syaoran *New: ZashikixWatanuki (xxxHolic)


I don't know if this belongs here but I made a Scary-Syaoran (the Syaoran from the chapters 104&105 - when he freaks out :greengrin:) community with livejournal!
If you are ínteressted please read my first post and join if you like what you read! :noteworthy:

All Scary-Syaoran fans....come!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Dark Feather - Syaoran's Dark feather

Please tell me what you think about it!^^

Hyuu... an evil Syaoran community? Fun! Maybe I should post fanfiction...

My livejournal is now watching this group. (Even though Suu neglects her livejournal... :sweat: )

Wow fanfictions would be great!!! ^^
But also some other stuff (graphics or something like that) are welcome!!!

I made a new community...after I saw there is none for that couple...*-*

It's a community for the couple Zashiki Warashi and Kimihiro Watanuki!!!
I looooove this couple!!! <3
And I hope all who do the same will join and post fanfics, graphics or other things!^^


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