General Discussions > Chains Board

If you were...

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Hikari B.:

...No 'If you were' thing...

A smilie?


--- Quote from: Hikari_Blaze on May 08 2006, 12:54 am ---(Oops)

...No 'If you were' thing...

A smilie?

--- End quote ---
Eh, really sorry about that... Didn't know what I was doing. 0.o (How can I just forget to post a question??)
As mischievous as a monkey.
A Jpop singer?

Gackt! : D ((Technically J-ROCK, but I wanted an excuse to say "Gackt!"))

A magazine?


A cookie?

my grandmother homemade chocolate cookies (only cookies I eat)

A Taste (when you eat or lick some something, you know taste)


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