General Discussions > Chains Board

If you were...

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Mars (i love that chocolate. Maybe if I was mars I can eat my self....oh my god that would be good XD)

--- Quote from: Elysia Silvermoon on August 15 2006, 10:38 pm ---Sora.. (Kairi is taken by Ashlee rofl :lol:)

--- End quote ---

If you were a type of program (omg that makes me sound like a geek >,<)

i would be the anime of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and i will oust Shaolan and Sakura for Fai and Kurogane  :keke:

if you were a underwear?...(perverts are welcome  :haha:)

Konata Izumi:
t-back underwear ROFL :lol:

a kind of sea creature (imaginary ones allowed XD)

Møon Li:
A mermaid perhaps :keke:

 If you were a face of the moon?

i will be the full moon,so i could lead Fai's vampire instinct  :okay:

if you were a war ?


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