General Discussions > Chains Board

If you were...

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i will be an aspirine (because we can get it without prescription,and we absolutely need some these days due the fact that we have many headache on this forum with the lastest chapters  :haha:)

if you were a film?

Pirates of the caribbean, OF COURSE!!!!!

if you were a singer?

('i really have to see this film,but i'm too niggard to spend my money in cinema  :sweatdrop:)

i would be Fai when he sings "SMILE"  :haha:

if you were a football player?

do u mean soccer??? coz in australia, football is something different to what americans refer it to. =P ummmm anywayz, i'll just take it that u mean the australian term for football. i'd be...hmmmm... u kno what? i have no idea coz i'm not into football anywayz. :tongue3:

... a celebrity?


--- Quote from: Nectar Rain on August 17 2006, 08:27 pm ---do u mean soccer??? coz in australia, football is something different to what americans refer it to. =P ummmm anywayz, i'll just take it that u mean the australian term for football. i'd be...hmmmm... u kno what? i have no idea coz i'm not into football anywayz. :tongue3:

... a celebrity?

--- End quote ---

yeah i meant a soccer,sorry to have disturbed you but i didn't know the right word  :sweatdrop:!
and you better say that you are a huge fan of Zidane  :haha:!

if i were a celebrity i would like to be jackie Chan,i'm so in love with his fighing style!

if you were a country?


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