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If you were...

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Møon Li:
Sweet bread XD

 If you were a mood?


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 18 2006, 07:51 am ---yeah i meant a soccer,sorry to have disturbed you but i didn't know the right word :sweatdrop:!
and you better say that you are a huge fan of Zidane :haha:!

--- End quote ---

lol! i don't mind zidane... a pity that france lost though. :(

I would be "depressed".

If you were an animal...

i'm not depressed...i'm totally angry about Materazzi-spaghetto

i would be a bird (i want to fly but i haven't even took plane  :sweatdrop:)

if you were a dimension of tsubasa ?

Outo Country. Beig in RPG land looks nice XD.

If you were a type of wine?

Mori/Honey from Ouran *MOEEEE*

...a writing utensil?


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