General Discussions > Chains Board

If you were...

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Konata Izumi:
I'd say a light amethyst or a jasper :lol:

A kind of dinosaur?

^ Either a Brontosaur or a Pterodactyl.

....a type of cake?

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on September 02 2006, 02:45 am ---"le petit prince" of Saint Exupery,which can be translated in english by "The little prince" :okay:
(i wonder if this wonderful book has been exported outside France  :keke:)

--- End quote ---

Yup, it even has a Filipino translation.

Møon Li:
A mocha cake :keke:

 If you were a sound?


if you  were a flower??

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
A sunflower...

...a kind of rat? (no answer is alright...)


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