General Discussions > Chains Board

If you were...

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Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
Samba...? That's the first thing that came to my mind...

a geek?

Tatasenko: "geek" are you referring to an anomaly or a fruitcake ???
sorry,but when you use evasives words it's hard for a french like me to catch the good meaningĀ  :sweatdrop:!

but i think you were talking about the second choice,so i would say a apple tartĀ  :okay:

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
Um...sorry...I was talking about the word a bit similar to nerd...

you should have put a question, Tata-san... :sweatdrop:

...a company?


--- Quote from: Sapphire-Amethyst on October 20 2006, 12:38 am ---you should have put a question, Tata-san... :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---

oups,where was my mind?
and the most hilarious is that few posts ago i was blaming you to have forgotten to put a new question,this is your revenge  :haha:

i would be a airline

if you were a weather  :keke:?

strom!!i always want to see that! XD

if you were a TRC song or OST??? ^__^


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