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What is your favourite smell?

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--- Quote from: moezy-chan on February 26 2006, 03:54 pm ---Off-topic: Everyone except me obviously. I'll eat, but I don't like it.

--- End quote ---

Also Off Topic: Actually. I don't like eating much. I like food and flavours but the actual act of eating kind of grosses me out. I always have to think about other things while I'm doing it.

Back On Topic: I forgot wood! Wood smells really good. Like freshly cut wood? I love it. And laundry just out of the drier smells really good, too!

melons&cucumber are really nice^^>..also like Time-machine said^ i like the wood smell..

I like...Vinilla and Strawberry Kiwi XD

lavender...and strawberry! =)

Rain and COFFEE!


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