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What is your favourite smell?

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Møon Li:
Osiana rose, orange, Animale Animale by Parlux Fragrances, Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel, Emporio by Armani, chocolate hehe, coffee, rain, sea, wood...


--- Quote from: Møon Li on March 02 2006, 03:20 pm ---Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel

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Oh my god!! That's what I wear!!! You like the smell of Yuki!  :rotfl:

OOO I love Chanel!  It smells so pretty. ^^ I just love those. My favorite are Clinque products.


--- Quote from: Shiunu on March 04 2006, 02:09 am ---OOO I love Chanel! It smells so pretty. ^^ I just love those. My favorite are Clinque products.

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Heh heh, I love Chanel and Clinique, too. I didn't like Clinique's "Happy", though, but I liked "Happy Heart" ((I think that was its name...)) a lot! XD Well, actually I guess I did like "Happy" when it first came out but I just liked "Happy Heart" a lot more.


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on March 04 2006, 03:54 am ---Heh heh, I love Chanel and Clinique, too. I didn't like Clinique's "Happy", though, but I liked "Happy Heart" ((I think that was its name...)) a lot! XD Well, actually I guess I did like "Happy" when it first came out but I just liked "Happy Heart" a lot more.

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happy heart definitely smells better than happy. haha.

i also like that new car smell when you first buy a new car. haha. `=P it smells soooo good!


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