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What is your favourite smell?

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--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on March 04 2006, 03:54 am ---Heh heh, I love Chanel and Clinique, too. I didn't like Clinique's "Happy", though, but I liked "Happy Heart" ((I think that was its name...)) a lot! XD Well, actually I guess I did like "Happy" when it first came out but I just liked "Happy Heart" a lot more.

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Happy heart does smell really good. I have a gift set of Happy that I got for Christmas. Love love love it!!! I'm gonna have to get me some happy heart! Lol

Hm.. Cinnamon, The smell of fall... (which I can't really explain) and fruity candle smells. ^^;;

i have a few..

Le Feu Light by Issey Miyaki
White Musk by Bodyshop
a comforting smell from a guy friend

gotta love clothes out of the dryer.
i also like the smell of fresh paper and paper towels
i know, im weird.

no scorching moon- sama!
i luv it too~
like the smell of the paper off the printer


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