General Discussions > The "What" Board

What is your favourite smell?

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Sayora Chan:
I love the smell of fresh rain.   :inlove:

Hmmm.... I like nice smells... Lavendar, strawberry bubblegum, baby shampoo, baby powder, body shop products, etc. But I know which one I like and miss the most... My Boyfriend's smell with him wearing lyxn...

Note: Not like those 'Girlfriend who miss their boyfriend when they live near them and have just started going out' miss, I mean 'Girlfriend who is half way around the world from their boyfriend and have past over a year' miss

Vanilla, chocolat and coffee

Chocolate, vanilla, sweets. :D
I don't like the smell of strong perfume, makes me sneeze. :P

the smell of lasagne...hmm


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