General Discussions > The "What" Board

What is your favourite smell?

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Lavender and Vanilla shampoo XD

Hmm... Pikari likes the smell of cinnamon, vanilla lotion, and strawberries. ^__^;

My Lacoste Pink perfume. Sunday roast smells quite good too!


--- Quote from: Pikari on May 22 2006, 07:56 am ---Hmm... Pikari likes the smell of cinnamon, vanilla lotion, and strawberries. ^__^;
--- End quote ---

Ooh... yes, strawberries. ^______^ Especially when fresh with dew.
Hmm, and rain... and the warm scent of laundry just out of the dryer... yeah. ^^

I LOVE the smell of freshly dug earth or dirt and freshly cut grass. But I love the oceany smell you get at the beach.


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