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What is your favourite smell?

<< < (10/13) > >>

scent of paper of new book ( weird, am I..??yeah2, I heard that alot ^^)

I like the smell of rain

Sui Generis:
im into aromatherapy so i love lavender, vanilla, cinnamon, lemony smells etc...also the smell of wood...(i start sniffing whenever i go to furniture shops like IKEA lol) this might sound strange but i like the smell of floor cleaners...and Dettol too. not forgetting my tommy girl perfume! (the old scent that is...the newer version doesnt smell as nice)

i luv the smell of chinese food :keke: gah! i'm hungry now...

my friends lotion <3
she smells just great <333
hope its her lotion >_>;;


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