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What is your favourite smell?

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Haha... I can't really list perfume as my favourite since I'm allergic to most. But when my allergies aren't that bad, I would have to say Victoria Secret's Love Spell.

Oooh... I also love the scent of cooking garlic and onions. Yum.

burning leaves, cold snow-filled air, rain, after rain, rice, gingerbread.... :keke:

I'll never be able to list perfume or lotion since I'm allergic, but my favorite smell would have to be home cooking. That and baking. I hate eating food, but I love to smell it.

Heh heh, the title of this thread made me smile, so I shall post here!

--- Quote from: moezy-chan on February 26 2006, 03:09 pm ---I'll never be able to list perfume or lotion since I'm allergic, but my favorite smell would have to be home cooking. That and baking. I hate eating food, but I love to smell it.

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You hate eating food?!?! Good GOD Yuki lives off food!! ((But wait.. doesn't everyone?)) XD

Hmm, Yuki's favorite smell is the smell of Maruchan chicken flavor ramen! XD


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on February 26 2006, 03:50 pm ---You hate eating food?!?! Good GOD Yuki lives off food!! ((But wait.. doesn't everyone?)) XD

--- End quote ---

Off-topic: Everyone except me obviously. I'll eat, but I don't like it.


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