General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are/is your good/bad/unusual habit(s)?

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Uh, yeah. I know the title kind of looks confusing, but I'm curious to know. What are your habits? Good? Bad? Unusual?

Mine are:
I procrastinate.
I bite my nails.
In uncomfortable situations, I treat others badly.
I sometimes walk around yelling anything from lyrics of songs to how bad my day went.

And quite a few others...


Too serious
Stubborn (this can be both good and bad)
I have a horrible temper
I procrastinate
I'm too shy
I'm too talkative once you get me out of my shyness

*_* i cant stay still on one place O_O .. i have to keep always moving ><!! even when im sitting in the computer im always moving my legs and i kick everything next to them
*_* im stubborn in the bad way
*_* im boring

I am really passive, ,or partly aggresive. teeehee ^^;;

I bite my nails and I worry about the littlest things.


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