General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are/is your good/bad/unusual habit(s)?

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Lol same here!

Good habit: I like to wash the dishes. That's unusual, too :tongue3:
Bad habit: I procrastinate.
Unusual habit: I sometimes laugh at things that are not even the slightest bit funny.

good: i can't stand a messy locker, yet my room looks like a tornado went through it
bad: i procrastinate, a lot. i talk loud, and i talk too much. and well, i don't know when to stop talking.
unusual: umm. i don't know? haha.

Hikari B.:
Also... I can never stand dirty things. I always have to clean the dirt and if I reuse a cup, I clean the drink and pour another one in.

Good:  i help others and think what they think
        --- I like to help my mom clean
       --- i like to spend time with family and friends

Bad: When i'm angry (mostly u retarted boys) I start punching, kicking, cursing, and hitting in the face with an object

- when i'm sad i ignore everyone and want to kill myself and hide somewhere where no one finds me and not eat for 12 hours

Unusal: Laugh at every littie stupid thing...even when people hurt themselves

Good habits:
- Insane love of alphabetizing things... (is that good? :sweatdrop: )
- Love of neatness. ^_^

Bad habits:
- Procrastination
- Snacking on Chocolate. o_o;;;
- Nail biting

Unusual habits:
- Randomly screaming "TWINCEST!!"
- Running up and poking my friend on the forehead. ^_^


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